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search results for 'tech'

ava's blog documenting life, little projects, tech adventures and more.
blog personal
'I''m Andrew. I write about the past and future of tech, music, media, culture, art, and activism. This is my blog.'
blog personal
I hope this website can bring a little bit of joy into your day.
blog personal tech
Hello. I am a christian tech blogger from germany. This site covers various topics related to technology, lifestyle and potentially anything else. Some major themes are privacy and software freedom, aswell as exploring alternative software solutions.
blog personal
Piper McCorkle’s Personal Blog
blog topical tech
educational tech and queer content, as well as personal blogs and art!
homepage personal art
...a cross between an experiment, a blog, technical guides and a dumping ground for some often rambling opinions about stuff and things...
homepage personal blog
I jumped back into the IndieWeb after a 25-year absence. I lean towards Mac flavored tech, but I also enjoy Internet culture, internationalism and not taking things too seriously.
homepage personal
Internet musings, links to the cool and weird things online, essays about tech and media, and more here at Jeff Perry's personal blog
blog personal
An educational website featuring a collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology.
resources technology web

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