I blog about life and stuff. If you want to read the musings of an older GenX guy on blogging, Internet culture, life in long term recovery, happy marriage tips and more you should read on blogpersonal
As long as social media companies profit from outrage, confusion, addiction, and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk. privacytechnologytips
Home of old school blogging and blogrolls. Welcome back to the *real* web! Here you’ll find a curated blogroll of personal blogs and articles on small blogging. blogginglinkingsharingtips
Giulio Aprin is a photographer, explorer and actor travelling the world and capturing his wild adventures with style. Unconventional tips to the best destinations. blogpersonaltopical
This guide aims to give a practical overview of how you can use SVGs on your websites — with some tips and tricks along the way to get the most out of them. designdevsvgresource
Everything about calendars. From printable calendar templates to calendar apps to Google Calendar tips and tricks and the latest monthly calendars. blogtopicalresource
The Data Detox Kit gives you simple tips and techniques to help you control your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing in ways that feel right to you. securityprivacy