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search results for 'html'

Native HTML web component for adding sort functionality and filtering to html tables.
dev tools data
silence lay steadily against the html and css of hill house
homepage personal
This is a directory of websites that primarily stick with simple, marked up, hyperlinked text.
text minimal directory
One of my favorite things is to misuse technology in creative ways. Breaking the rules without breaking the rules.
dev html css ideas
an interactive story
interactive storytelling amusing
This webring is for homepages of people who are interested in low tech, small game tools, and other forms of Web 1.0 inspired creativity.
webring directory retro explore
For the ambitious business professional looking to get ahead in the industry. Dazzle all the execs at your next business meeting... Create your own corporate B.S. catch phrase!
words generator
the html review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web
literature diversion
a place to write code and socialize
html social web
I’m mainly using this site as an excuse to practice HTML and CSS, as well as hone my writing skills
blog personal

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15 search results for 'html'
1124 listings in the directory