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search results for 'learning'

The blue thesaurus generates synonyms using a machine learning algorithm that was trained on a corpus of liberal-leaning texts. The red thesaurus generates synonyms using the same machine learning algorithm that was trained on a corpus of conservative-leaning texts.
words politics giggles
a computer meant for sharing
community art poetry spoken word social learning
Quiz Game for Learning Electronic Dance Music Genres. How High Can You Score?
diversion games music
NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design 2019
diversion art AI gallery
A game of CSS selectors
game design dev css learning fun
Oat the Goat helps you talk to the children in your classroom about the choices they have when they see someone being bullied. Discover the interactive story now.
A platform for anti-racist education with a Scottish perspective. A learning tool for raising racial consciousness. A safe space for engaging in critical reflections and discussions on race and education.
incubating a humane dynamic medium
tech learning community
a hub for learning through play
learning games
tilde.town is an intentional digital community for making art, socializing, and learning. Unlike many online spaces, users interact with tilde.town through a direct connection instead of a web site. This means using a tool called ssh and other text based tools.
community social

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17 search results for 'learning'
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