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search results for 'privacy'

Hello. I am a christian tech blogger from germany. This site covers various topics related to technology, lifestyle and potentially anything else. Some major themes are privacy and software freedom, aswell as exploring alternative software solutions.
blog personal
As long as social media companies profit from outrage, confusion, addiction, and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk.
privacy technology tips
Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities with Open Source Research
rights privacy public open-source
Modernizing Surveillance Laws For The Internet Age
privacy web
Experience how face detection software is judging you. This test is 100% privacy friendly.
Ali Reza Hayati is a social activist, privacy advocate, and software libre adherent.
blog personal activism privacy
This is the personal site of Matt Stenson. I’m a programmer, nerd, mountain biker, skier and outdoors enthusiast. I’ll blog about different stuff here. I like open software and privacy focused tools.
blog personal
My personal IndieWeb site. I write about and develop software to promote user autonomy. Topics include accessibility, security, privacy, and software freedom.
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Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
directory alternatives software resource
Did you know that 94% of sites include at least one third-party resource while the median page requests content from 9 different domains?
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17 search results for 'privacy'
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