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search results for 'dev'

Hi, I'm Nan (though I also go by Dys)! Here you will see my musings on classics, because it's one of my greatest interests and passions...
blog personal
Native HTML web component for adding sort functionality and filtering to html tables.
dev tools data
Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
blog personal design dev
This is my public knowledge base, by which I mean a dumping ground for half-baked notes about languages, music, art, computers, software development, photography, and the occasional blog post.
homepage personal ideas
JavaScript, CSS, UX, & the open web
blog personal dev
This website is my personal sanctuary where I experiment and dabble in graphic design, web design and web development.
homepage personal
Timo Zimmermann talking about software engineering, leading teams, consulting and start ups.
blog personal dev
my home on the digital hellscape
homepage personal
'I''m a web developer and designer. I build websites & interfaces with JavaScript, CSS and PHP.'
blog personal
a directory of tech sites, primarily sourced from HackerNews
directories tech blogs directory dev

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101 search results for 'dev'
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