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search results for 'directories'

The home of curated tools that keep things simple and efficient. No unnecessary sign-ups, no paywalls for core functionality, no-nonsense — just instant solutions.
resources tools
Each line represents a themed webring and each station is a different webpage in that theme.
webrings directory explore
A home for everyone’s blog and post rolls.
blogs directory
This is a directory of websites that primarily stick with simple, marked up, hyperlinked text.
text minimal directory
'Whether you use floppy disks to make art or just like to keep them around because they''re pretty, this is the webring for you.'
A directory of self-hosted software and applications for easy browsing
silly city is a webring for nerds, sillies, queers, and miau
Collective Directory
Find people to talk to or collaborate with by searching across the /about, /ideas and /now pages of 1000s of personal websites.
search directory
a directory of tech sites, primarily sourced from HackerNews
directories tech blogs directory dev

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51 search results for 'directories'
1118 listings in the directory