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'A PHP implementation of Christopher Strachey''s "Loveletters" program (1952)'
diversion words
'this is a find from an obesk wreck not far from new zealand - WARNING:: Mindspike usage may potentially trigger seizures for people with PHOTOSENSITIVE EPILEPSY. There are occasional unexpected flashes of light.'':'
Celebrate with a confetti party popper. Instant, free, organic, confetti on your screen. Sourced responsibly.
diversion fun scripting
“Welcome to Zombo.com!”
diversion odd
that's it
Simone Marzulli’s personal website, feel free to click your favourite buttons!
homepage personal retro
your horror background noise generator
generator giggles audio
A non-linear journey inside Erik Bernacchi’s corner of the internet. A world where nothing is appropriate and everything is not as it should be.
homepage personal amusement
🌍 A web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of GeoCities.
homepage retro
The blue thesaurus generates synonyms using a machine learning algorithm that was trained on a corpus of liberal-leaning texts. The red thesaurus generates synonyms using the same machine learning algorithm that was trained on a corpus of conservative-leaning texts.
words politics giggles

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