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search results for 'css'

I'm a web developer and designer. I build websites & interfaces with JavaScript, CSS and PHP.
One of my favorite things is to misuse technology in creative ways. Breaking the rules without breaking the rules.
A game of CSS selectors
I’m mainly using this site as an excuse to practice HTML and CSS, as well as hone my writing skills
I joined Neocities some time ago because I don’t like regular social media, wanted to acquire some CSS/HTML skills, and thought it would be easier to put all my interests and other stuff in one place.
Forget inconsistencies, let us start with a blank slate.
Free tool to easily make and generate cross browser linear or radial css gradients. You can generate your custom css gradient in HEX or RGBA color format.
Create CSS Duotones quickly for free
Fontie converts your desktop-fonts into smooth & reliable web-fonts and generates the CSS @font-face. Various options allow you to optimize the output.
I wanted to create a tool to sort the named CSS colors in a way that it shows related colors together. CSS colors sorted by their hue, saturation and lightness

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