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search results for 'media'

Social media wall for the Fediverse
The 90s/00s-inspired personal website and social media hub of Moxie, a Millennial with an abundance of nostalgia for the old web.
Mutant Radio is a media platform that focuses on various directions
No Escape Hole is a browser-based online exhibition. The title refers to the group’s shared explorations into the consequences of digital media, and the tendency to view such technology as a means of escape from the tumultuous reality of everyday life.
diversionartdigital media
a network of people and projects investigating new media in the practice of art
Learn the signs of online disinformation and internet trolls. The Spot the Troll quiz asks you to examine real social media profiles and posts and decide whether they are legitimate.
As long as social media companies profit from outrage, confusion, addiction, and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk.
SUSTAIN is an online media platform where eco-conscious warriors cultivate a healthy, planet-friendly lifestyle.
a permanent(?) collection of game media, archeaology, and artifacts for you to peruse
A multi-media smart canvas for your mind.

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