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search results for 'web'

Native HTML web component for adding sort functionality and filtering to html tables.
dev tools data
'I''m an elderish (mid?) millennial that has a fondness for the small web and my memories of being a terminally online tween.'
homepage personal
Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
blog personal design dev
I write a longer note every week, shorter notes frequently, and blog posts from time to time.
homepage personal blog
I hope this website can bring a little bit of joy into your day.
blog personal tech
Hi. I’m Joe. This is my personal website. It’s got lots of stuff!
blog personal
hello! i’m ten (he/she), and welcome to my ever-evolving webspace!
homepage personal
'Sabrin''s personal webpage!'
homepage personal
'Hi, I''m Sara! I like yapping and documenting things I find cool, so I created this website to keep track of all of that'
homepage personal
Each line represents a themed webring and each station is a different webpage in that theme.
webrings directory explore

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263 search results for 'web'
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