Since 1983, IREHR has served as a social justice organization dedicated to standing against bigotry and defending democracy and human rights. rightstolerance
Visit the post for more.out now: So Fi Zine is a space for experimental and creative social research. Submit short stories, poetry, visual art and other creative works. diversionartprosepoetryzine
One Square Inch of Silence is very possibly the quietest place in the United States. It is an independent research project located in the Hoh Rain Forest of Olympic National Park, which is one of the most pristine, untouched, and ecologically diverse environments in the United States. environmentdiversionaudioinitiative
This is my wiki where I keep a loose collection of documents on the projects I work on, topics I’m researching or studying, and any notes on things I don’t want to forget. homepagepersonalwiki
Atlas of Places is a public educational collection of Academia, Architecture, Cartography, Cinema, Essays, Painting, Photography, Research. placesdiversionresource