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search results for 'homepage'

my personal site for art, ecology, and whatever else interests me. explore the forest! find cool stuff!
homepage personal
An Autistic Perspective on Life
homepage personal
'I''m an elderish (mid?) millennial that has a fondness for the small web and my memories of being a terminally online tween.'
homepage personal
This site is my own personal hub and corner on the internet.
homepage personal
made this space on the web for me to learn how to code again, and to have a place away from social media to vibe and dump my thoughts! this site is an unsightly amalgam of my interests, self shipping, personal life, and general embraced weirdness.
homepage personal
a little space in the internet where it is always spring
homepage personal
I write a longer note every week, shorter notes frequently, and blog posts from time to time.
homepage personal blog
essays of variety from xandra.cc
homepage personal writing
This is my public knowledge base, by which I mean a dumping ground for half-baked notes about languages, music, art, computers, software development, photography, and the occasional blog post.
homepage personal ideas
This site is here for my projects and the occasional blog post.
homepage personal

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266 search results for 'homepage'
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