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search results for 'interactive'

‘The Boat’, an interactive graphic novel about escape after the Vietnam War. Based on the story by Nam Le, adapted by Matt Huynh.
Synesthesia is an audiovisual experiment combining real-time graphics and audio to create graphic and musical phrases. Playable on your computer keyboard.
Create & remix interactive rooms from your browser
Oat the Goat helps you talk to the children in your classroom about the choices they have when they see someone being bullied. Discover the interactive story now.
Explore your world through everyone’s eyes. loc.alize.us displays a massive amount of photos on a highly interactive world map. Explore photos from everyone’s places, selected topics or people you know.
by the way, this is my personal website
Scroll out to explore scenes. Scroll in to explore genres. Scroll in even more to explore individual years.
Make brainstorming fun with Word Webs, a free brainstorming tool with an interactive twist! Each word auto-generates random related words, allowing you to easily create exciting and unique ideas.
Demystify guitar playing with this interactive online tool, visualize the fretboard to explore scales and chords. Create shareable neck diagrams and tutorials.
This interactive map and timleline shows San Francisco’s former streetcar routes, with photos.

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(20 search results for 'interactive')
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