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search results for 'IndieWeb'

I jumped back into the IndieWeb after a 25-year absence. I lean towards Mac flavored tech, but I also enjoy Internet culture, internationalism and not taking things too seriously.
homepage personal
The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the โ€œcorporate webโ€.
A search directory of the Independent Web.
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A hotspot for hyping indie creations on the web.
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An IndieWeb Webring
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This is a planet that follows members of the IndieWeb community.
IndieWeb directory
Sage, genius, you know, the usual...
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He also enjoys listening to podcasts, reading, and posting photos.
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Citizen of the Indieweb.
blog personal software links
A place for my first ventures into Indieweb. Home contains a stream of all my posts.
blog personal

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16 search results for 'IndieWeb'
1118 listings in the directory