art color design dev icons music personal photography


Design and test virtual keyboards
Explore your world through everyone’s eyes. loc.alize.us displays a massive amount of photos on a highly interactive world map. Explore photos from everyone’s places, selected topics or people you know.
places photography
Isometric City Builder
WebGL experiments. Computer graphics. Information visualization.
dev images visualizations diversion
An audio and hypertext work about datasets, ghosts, bodies, corporate deep-fake technologies and surveillance.
diversion technology
This is my personal wiki where I share everything I know about this world in form of an online GitBook hosted on GitHub.
personal wiki
A collection of mental models useful in everyday life.
A column of notes is a list. A set of lists is a board.
tool kanban
a permanent(?) collection of game media, archeaology, and artifacts for you to peruse
games media
One Square Inch of Silence is very possibly the quietest place in the United States. It is an independent research project located in the Hoh Rain Forest of Olympic National Park, which is one of the most pristine, untouched, and ecologically diverse environments in the United States.
environment diversion audio initiative

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