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search results for 'software'

By Jonathan Borichevskiy. I enjoy learning and building things (usually with computers), concerts, hikes, and connecting with people. Passionate about cognitive science, environmental sustainability, and software engineering.
blog personal dev technology
I used to teach school, but I wasn’t very good at it. I used to manage large IT departments, but that didn’t make me happy. Now I am a freelance software developer. I don’t know that I’m the best software developer but I’m pretty sure I’m the happiest.
blog personal dev
Ali Reza Hayati is a social activist, privacy advocate, and software libre adherent.
blog personal activism privacy
I write software and now I’m trying to blog.
blog personal
This is the personal site of Matt Stenson. I’m a programmer, nerd, mountain biker, skier and outdoors enthusiast. I’ll blog about different stuff here. I like open software and privacy focused tools.
blog personal
The personal website and blog of Rowan Manning, a software engineer
blog personal
Barry Hess writes about software, writing, creativity, media, and family.
blog personal
Dave Peck’s blog, home to discussions of software development, music, and other nerdery
blog personal
AI policy researcher and software engineer
blog personal ai research software
Hello, and welcome to my personal web page.I’m Ash, software dev, speaker, sometimes-artist and all-round guy who makes stuff.
personal dev amusing

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37 search results for 'software'
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