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personal homepages

silence lay steadily against the html and css of hill house
homepage personal
hello! i’m ten (he/she), and welcome to my ever-evolving webspace!
homepage personal
'Sabrin''s personal webpage!'
homepage personal
'Hi, I''m Sara! I like yapping and documenting things I find cool, so I created this website to keep track of all of that'
homepage personal
welcome to my homepage :) long live personal sites!
homepage personal
'Welcome, I''m Cabbage and this is my website. I love to review stuff, mainly animanga and books.'
homepage personal
This website was created in response to nostalgia for the old web and missing having my own little space on the internet.
homepage personal
'It''s my space for my creations, thoughts, and interests—practically anything. '
homepage personal
'This is Satorikeiko''s main site, all about me is in here.'
homepage personal

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